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Frau Kubick

German Alphabet Word Cards (Ages 0-6)

Learning the German alphabet is like opening a magical door for your child. It's not just about saying letters; it's about having fun while growing smarter! When your little one learns the German ABCs, they're getting ready for lots of cool things. It helps them talk better, understand more, and enjoy the adventure of discovering a new language and culture. The German alphabet isn't just letters; it's like a secret code to unlock a world of learning and fun and can in fact also help with learning other languages.

For the smaller children I put together German word cards with pronunciation and its' meaning.

So, let's dive into the exciting journey of learning the German alphabet! 🌈📖

The German Alphabet A-I

A - [ah] as in "Apfel" [ah-pfel] (apple)

B - [bay] as in "Bär" [bayr] (bear)

C - [tseh] as in "Clownfisch" [klohn-fish] (clown fish)

D - [day] as in "Delfin" [dayl-feen] (dolphin)

E - [eh] as in "Elefant" [eh-leh-fant] (elephant)

F - [eff] as in "Fuchs" [fooks] (fox)

G - [geh] as in "Giraffe" [gee-rah-fuh] (giraffe)

H - [hah] as in "Hase" [hah-zuh] (rabbit)

I - [ee] as in "Igel" [ee-gel] (hedgehog)

The German Alphabet J-R

J - [yot] as in "Jaguar" [yah-gwar] (jaguar)

K - [kah] as in "Karotten" [kah-roh-ten] (carrots)

L - [ell] as in "Löwe" [leu-veh] (lion)

M - [emm] as in "Melone" [meh-loh-neh] (melon)

N - [enn] as in "Nadel" [nah-del] (needle)

O - [oh] as in "Obst" [ohpst] (fruit)

P - [peh] as in "Pinguin" [pin-gvin] (penguin)

Q - [koo] as in "Qualle" [kva-luh] (jellyfish)

R - [err] as in "Rose" [roh-zuh] (rose)

The German Alphabet S-Z

S - [ess] as in "Sonnenblume" [zoh-nen-blu-meh] (sunflower)

T - [teh] as in "Tonne" [ton-neh] (ton)

U - [oo] as in "Uhr" [oor] (clock)

V - [fow] as in "Vogel" [foh-gel] (bird)

W - [veh] as in "Wald" [valt] (forest)

X - [iks] as in "Xylofon" [ksee-loh-fon] (xylophone)

Y - [upsilon] as in "Yacht" [yakt] (yacht)

Z - [tsett] as in "Zebra" ([tseh-bra] (zebra)

Why is learning German important when you are young? Here are 7 good reasons:

Teaching your little one German is like giving their brain a superhero boost! Here's why it's awesome:

  1. Brain Power: Learning German helps their brain grow strong. It's like a workout that makes them good at solving problems and being creative.

  2. Language Superhero: If they start with German now, it's like setting them up to learn more languages later. They become language superheroes!

  3. Discovering Cultures: German introduces them to cool things from Germany—fun traditions, tasty foods, and interesting stories.

  4. Future Job Opportunities: Knowing German can open doors to exciting jobs when they grow up. It's like having a secret skill that employers love!

  5. School Success: Learning German can make school stuff easier. It's like having a special tool for reading and writing.

  6. Travel Adventures: It's like giving them a special key for talking to people and exploring new places when they travel.

So, teaching German isn't just about words; it's like giving their brain a friendly and exciting companion. Get ready for a super cool adventure together! 🚀🌍

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